
Photo organizer.

Create great slideshows, based upon the metadata in the photos.
Show those slideshows with Photo viewer.

Nederlandse site
Nederlandse site.

With this function you can create great slideshows, based upon the textual metadata which is written in your photos.
Things like:
Make a slideshow from all the photo's which are made in March 2013 in Turkey on which Peter is posing and which have a priority of 100 or higher and search for them on my entire harddisks C: and D:, but do not search in the folder D:/backup. Copy all the photos which are found to the folder E:/Peter and show the slideshow directly after searching for them with Photo viewer.
are perfectly possible. All searches are not case-sensitive.

Overview of the 'search in metadata' dialogbox. The dialogbox which gives you an overview of all the fields and criteria you can use to define your search.

Toggle left checks. With this button you switch all left checks for all the items on or off with one click. If the checkbox at the leftmost position at the left of an item is checked, it means that the field will only be considered to be a part of the slideshow when that field is found in the photo.

Clear all fields. By clicking on this button you clear all fields, so you can start a new search from scratch.

Toggle right checks. Here you can activate or de-activate all the right checks for all the fields which uses text. If such a checkbox is checked it means that the field to the right of that checkbox is only used for the slideshow if that field is exactly the same as in this search dialogbox.

Search in all textfields. These 10 leftmost fields are general fields. Whatever you fill in here will be searched for in all textfields in the photo or in the csv file.
In this example, none of the left or right checkboxes is checked, so this field is not considered to be mandatory in the photo for it to become a part of the slideshow and the text in the editfield needs not to be the same as in the photo, it only needs to be found in a field or as a part of a field in the photo.
With the little button with the < arrow on it you can clear this field.
Clicking on the larger button with a number on it opens the following dialogbox:

Choose a field from a list. By clicking on any of the buttons in this dialogbox you go to the lists from which you can choose a keyword or another item. This works exactly the same and uses the same lists as you have probably already done a lot of times when you were writing the text fields into you photos. Using these lists is explained here.

Search for a keyword. The fields in the middle of the window are the keyword fields. In this example, the leftmost checkbox is checked on the top line, so a photo does need to have the keyword beton otherwise it is never considered to be part of the slideshow. The second keyword ijzer is one of the non-mandatory used fields. At least one of these non-mandatory fields need to be found in the photo before the photo is considered to become part of the slideshow. Here you can only use the keywords as written in the usual keyword lists which you can easily reach by clicking on any of the numbered buttons. And with the little button with the < on it you can empty this field.

Other fields, using a list. With these 8 rightmost fields you can use the other items which uses a list. In this example Breda is used as the city to search for. And in this example, both checkboxes are checked, so Breda as city needs to be in the photo and something like Bredany as the city is not considered as part of the show.

Search in comment. You can also search for a piece of text in the comment, but it never needs to be an exact match. There is no right checkbox available here. Only the < clear button and a text field in which you can type any text you want to use in your search. By clicking on the search comment buttons, you open the little dialogbox with buttons with which you can go to the lists with fields, just as described above for the general fields at the left side of this window.

3 fields which use numbers. These are the 3 fields which uses only numbers. The range for urgency is 1 to 10, the range for priority and showtime is 1 to 255. Here the right checkboxes work a little bit different. If it is checked, the field is used, otherwise the rang editboxes stays grey and you can not type anything in it, like priority in this example.
In this example urgency is used, but not mandatory (it's left checkbox is not checked). The range to search for is from 4 and up to the maximum of 10, because the to editbox is kept empty, indicating that it is up to the maximum.
The showtime in this example is mandatory and needs to be 100 or higher.

Search for a specific time. You can search for photos within a certain time range. In this example from 2010:01:01 00:00:00 to 2012:01:01 00:00:00. With the radiobuttons you choose to search in the EXIF time, in the IPTC time or in both. In this example, the left checkbox is not checked, so this field is not mandatory in the photo.

Search where for the photos. You can search directly in the photos themselves, or you can search in a CSV file with metadata which you have created before. Searching in a csv file is faster, which might be important if you search in a large collection of photos. But if the csv file has been changed manually or if the photos which are mentioned in the csv file have been changed of moved after that csv file was created, you may not get the correct results.
In this example the search will be done in the csv file D:\photos\photos.csv This csv file contains 387 photos and contains the fields as are written in black in this dialogbox:

Available fields in this csv file. Which you will see at the bottom of your window when you choose to search in a csv file.

You can save a set of search criteria. You can name a set of search criteria and save it, so you can later use it again as a basis for another search. Just fill in a name in the editbox and click on the Save this set. button.
Choosing a previously made set of search criteria is done by clicking on the dropdown box and choosing the one you want to use. It is then immediately used in your window. You can also delete the set which is active by clicking on the Delete this set. button.

What to do with the found photos. You can create a slideshow in a csv file by checking the topmost checkbox here, as also done in this example. With the topmost long button you choose the location and the name of the csv file you want to create or add photos to. In this example it is D:\photos\result\result.csv.Just below the button you can see that that csv file already exists and now contains 386 photos.
With the radiobuttons you choose to overwrite that csv file (as in this example) or to add the found photos to it. If you add photos to an existing csv file, at first a new, temporary, csv file is created from the search you are about to perform and afterwards the 2 csv files are combined. During this combination process, the list of photos is sorted and all doubles are removed from the csv file.
By checking the second checkbox you choose to copy all the found photos to the specified folder as you choose with the other long button, in this example D:\photos\result. If a photo with the same name as the found photo already exists in this folder, the data checksum of both photos is compared with each other and if it is the same the newly found photo is not copied to this destinaton folder, so you will not have the same photo twice here. But if the checksums doesn't match, the found photo is considered not to be the same photo and is copied to the destination folder with an added serial number in it's name.

What to do after the search. After searching for the photos for your slideshow you can immediately show them with photo viewer or you can pause the program before you go back to the main window or do another search.

While the search is active. After clicking on the Create the slideshow. button the window gets smaller and Photo organizer shows you what it is looking for and where. During this process you can stop it by clicking on the Stop this process. button. You can also instruct it to shut down the computer after the search is done by checking the Shutdown the computer when this job is done. checkbox.

The search is done. When the search is done, Photo organizer tells you how many photos have been found during this search. In this example the csv file which is created now contains 6 photos.
You can then choose to do another search or you can go back to the main window.

Other functions dialogbox. Copy photos to folder / delete superfluous photos from csv. rename photos, write data and/or shift time in photos in folder. (or a set of folders.) Extract thumbnails and/or remove tables from photos in a folder or a set of folders. Search for copies in a folder or in a set of folders. Create csv file from metadata from all photos in a folder or in a list with folders. Write metadata from csv file in all photos in a folder. Write metadata from screen in all photos in a folder. Change, create or combine text and/or csv files. Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment. Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames. Use metadata in photos to select photos for a slidesow.
Clicking on any of the buttons on this picture brings you directly to that page of the explanation. Or you can go back to the start of the main page or back to other functions on the main page.

Or you can go back to where you came from.

Hans van der Hoeven
Liesbospark 28
4813 HV Breda
The Netherlands
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© 2015, Hans van der Hoeven
URL: www.photoorganizer.nl
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