
Photo organizer.

Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment and caption.

Nederlandse site
Nederlandse site.

Write time, write name in photo or swap comment/caption. Here you can choose up to three functions which you can perform simultaneously on all photos in a folder, with or without it's subfolders.

• Writing exif date as iptc date. This might be usefull when you want to manipulate your photo times but do not want to lose the original exif time.
• Swap comment and caption. Comment and caption are both iptc fields which are ment to be used to give a description about the photo itself. Sometimes the comment is used and sometimes the caption. With this function you can swap them to make your collection of photos more consistent if a part of it is different then the rest.
• Write name of photo as iptc name. This function has several options. You can use only the name of the photo or you can use the name of the photo with it's pathname. And when you are creating copies, You can still use the path of the original photo in the name of the copies of the photos. In that case you can always see where they have com from.

At the right side of this dialogbox, you choose which folder with photos to process and whether you also want all photos in the subfolders to be done as well.
Below that you choose to work directly with the original photos or whether you want to make copies of them and if so, in which folder. If you make copies and that would lead to a confict in the name of the copy, a serialnumber will be added to the new copy. But if you write the name of the photo in the photo, this serialnumber will not be written there.
log action or not. Here you can choose to create a textfile in which all the activity is reported. Three options: not writing any report, report only errors or report all processed filenames and errors. If you choose a textfile which already exists, the report will be added at the end of that textfile.
Start this function. With these buttons you return to the mainscreen without doing anything or you start the activity as you have defined with your choices in the rest of this dialogbox.
While this function is busy. After pressing the Start batch button you get this window in which you can see what Photo organizer is doing. You can stop this process by pressing the button or you can shutdown the computer after this process is done by checking the checkbox. In that case, make sure that there are no other programs active which require your attention, otherwise those programs may prevent the shutdown of the computer.
This function has finished. After the job is done the program waits for you to click on the button with which you return to the main window.

Other functions dialogbox. Copy photos to folder / delete superfluous photos from csv. rename photos, write data and/or shift time in photos in folder. (or a set of folders.) Extract thumbnails and/or remove tables from photos in a folder or a set of folders. Search for copies in a folder or in a set of folders. Create csv file from metadata from all photos in a folder or in a list with folders. Write metadata from csv file in all photos in a folder. Write metadata from screen in all photos in a folder. Change, create or combine text and/or csv files. Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment. Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames. Use metadata in photos to select photos for a slidesow.
Clicking on any of the buttons on this picture brings you directly to that page of the explanation. Or you can go back to the start of the main page or back to other functions on the main page.

Or you can go back to where you came from.

Hans van der Hoeven
Liesbospark 28
4813 HV Breda
The Netherlands
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© 2015, Hans van der Hoeven
URL: www.photoorganizer.nl
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