
Photo organizer.

Copy photos to a folder / delete superfluous photos which are mentioned in a csv file.

Nederlandse site
Nederlandse site.

Copy all photos to one folder. If all of your photos are scattered around on your harddisk and you don't really know anymore where all of them are, this is the function you were looking for.

You begin this function with this radiobutton selected Copy all photos to one folder. In this example a set of folders with the name D and E is selected. It points to 2 complete harddisks. Photo organizer will search through both harddisks and copy all photos it finds to, in this example, the folder photos on the external harddisk F:\

It also creates a csv file in which it writes the name and location of the original photo, the name and location of the copied photo and whether the copying of that photo was succesfull. In most cases the original name and the name of the copy will be the same, but if there are more photos with the same name, Photo organizer adds a serial number in the name of the copy to prevent any problems or loss of photos.

And finally you start the whole process with the Start this job : Copy all photos to one folder..

Busy copying all photos to one folder. This process could take a while, but you can see the progress in the window that appears and you can also instruct Photo organizer to shut down the computer after the job is done. In that case, make sure there are no other programs active which might require the attention of the user. They might prevent the shutting down of the computer in such a case. (For instance with their Do you want to save your file ? dialogbox).
The csv file in which all the names and the result are written. The resulting csv file contains three columns. The first column contains the original names of the photos. The second column contains the name of the created copy. And the third column contains Ok. if the copying of the photo was succesfull.

With all of the photos now in one folder you can easily see which photos you really have.
Now you can step through the csv file with the Search for copies of photos in... function. That makes it possible to find all the doubles in that folder and you can also see where the original was for that particular copie. And you can easily delete the copies which are not needed anymore.

The next logical step to do is to divide all of the photos in a neat new system of subfolders. This can easily be done by stepping through the folder with the copies using the Create copies of originals in folder as indicated in folder field, starting in rootfolder. function. Make sure you check the Delete original photo after creating copy. checkbox in that window.

Choose a subfolder for each photo or create a new one in the folder list while you are going through your collection of photos. At the same time you can also add or change any of the other fields in your photo. You can always stop this process whenever you want to and continue with it the next time. Photo organizer always continues where you were the last time.

Delete all superfluous photos. After you have gone through your folder with copies in the manner described above, all of the copies which you didn't want anymore will be deleted and all the photos which you wanted to keep are moved to the subfolders of your new system. So, the only photos which are left in the folder with copies are the photos which does not belong to your photo collection (they can, for instance, belong to other programs) or the photos you didn't want in your collection. Now it is time to use this second function in this window. Delete all superfluous source photos in csv file.
This function will go through the csv file, looking for all the original photos mentioned in that file. If it detects that the copying of that photo was succesfull, but the copy does not exist anymore in the folder it was originally copied to, Photo organizer assumes that you don't want the original photo anymore or that you have moved it to your new system. It will then delete the original photo. All original photos of which the copy is still in the folder to which they were originally copied to will be left untouched.

Result of deleting unwanted original photos. All actions done by this function are listed in another csv file. In it there are three columns, just as in the firstly created csv file. Now you can see in the third column which of the original photos were deleted.

After this process is done, you can delete the folder to which the original photos were copied and the csv file.

Final result: All your photos which were scattered around on your harddisks are now neatly organized in your new folder system and there are no doubles anymore in your collection.

Other functions dialogbox. Copy photos to folder / delete superfluous photos from csv. rename photos, write data and/or shift time in photos in folder. (or a set of folders.) Extract thumbnails and/or remove tables from photos in a folder or a set of folders. Search for copies in a folder or in a set of folders. Create csv file from metadata from all photos in a folder or in a list with folders. Write metadata from csv file in all photos in a folder. Write metadata from screen in all photos in a folder. Change, create or combine text and/or csv files. Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment. Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames. Use metadata in photos to select photos for a slidesow.
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Hans van der Hoeven
Liesbospark 28
4813 HV Breda
The Netherlands
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© 2015, Hans van der Hoeven
URL: www.photoorganizer.nl
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