
Photo organizer.

Find all doubles in your photo collection
and delete the photos which you do not need anymore.

Nederlandse site
Nederlandse site.

Methods of going to this function. There were 4 buttons to choose from with which you can start this function.
the last saved search. This option is only available if you have done this before because a search for doubles is always saved so you can continue later without having to collect all info needed to perform such a search. (This can take some time because Photo organizer has to read the exif time in all photo's and has to compose a checksum of a part each photo.)
a csv file. This function is particularly usefull for using with the csv file which is created by the function Copy photos to folder and create csv / delete superfluous photos mentioned in csv. but can also be used with the other csv files with photonames which Photo organizer can create.
a folder. Searching in a single folder is possible. That can be handy when there are photos from which the names have been changed. Then searching on data checksum or exif time will find those photos.
a set of folders. Searching in a set of folders can be very handy. The method of creating and working with sets of folders is explained here.

Collecting info for searching for doubles. After you have chosen the place to look for doubles, Photo organizer is collecting the information from all the photos it can find in those places. This could take a while, depending upon the quantity of photos it finds.
During that time you see this box on your screen. In it you see how you have started this function (In this example looking in a list of photonames which is created by Photo organizer from finding all photos in a set of folders), the folder in which Photo organizer is looking, a number (here 2526, and the names of the found photos. The number counts back to 0, so that gives you an indication how long it will take.
With the button Stop this and go back to main window. you can immediately return to the main window.

Searching on checksum. When the collecting of data is done, you get this window. In the window title you see how many photos there are in this search (here 2923) and which of those photos you are seeing on your screen. (here 1216-1218). Then you see three photos and below each photo a button Delete this photo. and a long button undo last delete.
Below that you see some info about the comparison of two photos. In this example the two leftmost photos have the same size in bytes, the same checksum (the checksum comparison compares a little piece of the image data itself) and the same time. (This is shown in red). But their names are different.
The two rightmost photos are (obviously) very different. The difference in size and time is written in the middle below them, in lilac.
Below each photo you see the full name of that photo, it's short name, it's time of creation, the size of the photo in bytes and in pixels.

Choose method of sorting The lowest line in the window contains 4 methods on which you can sort the photos. In this example the method data checksum is chosen. Choosing any of these 4 radiobuttons sorts all the photos in the current set of photos, using that method and will show you the first three photos.
Button to search with. After clicking on this button Photo organizer is going through the photos, searching for doubles with the mentioned criterium. (In this example the checksum, but the text on this button changes according to the type of search you are doing.) If it finds any doubles, they are shown as the two leftmost photos on your screen. You can then decide to delete one of them with the Delete this photo. button just beneath the photo and click this search button again.

No more doubles found. After you have stepped through the whole collection of photos in which you are searching for doubles you get this window as an indication that there were no more matches found with the method you are using. But another method of sorting might find more doubles, so you can try that.

Navigate manually through the collection. With these 4 buttons and slider, you can manually navigate through this collection of photos, but that is not really an efficient method if you are checking for doubles.

Ignore serial number while searching on name. In several functions, Photo organizer adds a serialnumber to a photo if it copies them to another folder to make sure no photo is unintentionally overwritten. The syntax of this serial number is very specific for Photo organizer. If you search for photos with the same name, you can choose to ignore this serial number in the name. In that case, Photo organizer will find the same photos, as shown in this example.

Start new search. At any moment during or after you search for doubles you can go back to the main window or start another search for doubles with these 4 buttons.

If you have stepped through the photos and have deleted all the doubles it did find there still might be photos in your collection which were originally the same but which have been changed in ways that Photo organizer could not find. For instance, the image data could be recoded again by opening and saving the photo with another program. Or rotating the photo and changing it's name. But it is very likely that you did find and delete the vast majority of doubles in your photo collection.

Other functions dialogbox. Copy photos to folder / delete superfluous photos from csv. rename photos, write data and/or shift time in photos in folder. (or a set of folders.) Extract thumbnails and/or remove tables from photos in a folder or a set of folders. Search for copies in a folder or in a set of folders. Create csv file from metadata from all photos in a folder or in a list with folders. Write metadata from csv file in all photos in a folder. Write metadata from screen in all photos in a folder. Change, create or combine text and/or csv files. Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment. Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames. Use metadata in photos to select photos for a slidesow.
Clicking on any of the buttons on this picture brings you directly to that page of the explanation. Or you can go back to the start of the main page or back to other functions on the main page.

Or you can go back to where you came from.

Hans van der Hoeven
Liesbospark 28
4813 HV Breda
The Netherlands
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© 2015, Hans van der Hoeven
URL: www.photoorganizer.nl
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